Friday, June 3, 2011

Zoos: are they really necessary?- Abel González

Humans have always been interested in animals. We have used them for a lot of things: as food, transport, we experiment with them in order to find new cures for diseases... But, of course, which of this things are right? Should we use animals for our own benefit? One of the topics that has raised more controversy is the use of zoos. Are they useful or not? Are animals really protected?

Some people think that animals kept in zoos suffer from isolation. This is true in some zoos, but not in all of them. In some zoos animals are kept in small cages with concrete floor where they can't even move. This animals can't be healthy for a long time and they die prematurely. In addition, most animals are kept there just for entertainment. Many people go to zoos to make fun of the animals kept there, throwing different stuff at them, like cans, cigarettes and food. There have been cases of dead animals due to eating rubbish and, on an occasion, a monkey learnt how to smoke cigarettes. Of course, the zoo used it as a publicity stunt to increase visits.

On the other hand, zoos protect some endangered animals. In a zoo, they are safe and protected against hunters and predators. There, they have easy food and can breed. However, animals born in zoos can't survive in the wild. Zoos also help us to see animals we would not be able to see, like penguins or orcas. And that, in some way, makes people aware of the value and beauty of animals. Some zoos have an educational mission and others are used for scientific research.

In conclusion, although some animals suffer from being in captivity, zoos are important to study and understand our fauna. Most animals could have disappeared without zoos. However, we should make sure that these animals are protected equally inside and outside the zoo.

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